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Due to the pandemic persistence, the 7th International Seminar on International and Comparative Labour Law will be held on line, on zoom.

For this reason, the Scientific Committee has decided to reduce the length of the Seminar and choose a specific timetable to better welcome professors, researchers, young scholars, PhD students, Master students and Research Fellows, from all over the world, considering the different time zone.

The 3 days seminar will thus be focused on the labour recent development, on the overcoming of the traditional and historic dichotomy “self-employment” – “subordination”, giving protections and social rights to all categories of workers. The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted even more the need to extend protections to self-employed workers, in particular to protect income and to guarantee a more universal social security; digitization is giving rise to forms of work that are difficult to qualify, with diversified orientations of jurisprudence; the legal systems move in no particular order, sometimes providing for ad hoc legislation for particular categories of workers (as in the case of platform workers); international Labour Law seems to push more and more towards a universalistic protection logic, which is independent of the different types of employment contracts; the doctrine of Labour Law is however divided between those who believe they remain firm in the distinction between subordinate work and self-employment, and those who, with different techniques, tend to overcome the binary logic, towards a more articulated and modular system of protection, centred on the person of the worker or on his socio-economic condition, and not only on his subordination status as the only criterion for attributing the protections of Labour Law.

The seminar wants to raise reflections, ideas, knowledge and perspectives on how labour law could manage this challenge, employing the various methodological categories that have been proposed by scholars, such as the dosage between universality and selectivity, personal work relationships, economically dependent work, etc. We are thus asking to all the participants their support to go in depth in this issue and thus doing concrete proposals on the future of Labour Law.


Sociedad Internacional de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social

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