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Professor Harriet DEACON, Consultant, intangible heritage and intellectual property law, Coventry University

Professor Tuomas MATILLA, Doctoral Fellow in the University of Helsinki

Alexander PARRA PEÑA, Project Coordinator – Implementation of IP Rights in handicrafts in Colombia (Artesanías de Colombia)

Moderator:  Professor Benedetta UBERTAZZI, Full Tenured Aggregate Professor of European Union Law, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicoca.

Objectives: In a post-crisis environment, re-imagining IP may mean better understanding and further enhancing its role for society in supporting the safeguard, protection, and promotion of intangible cultural heritage. How may both the economic function of IP and its social function support intangible cultural heritages preservation and valorization? Will the complex period of economic recovery leave more space to it than in the past? Can multilateral treaties be developed or expanded in this respect? Which relation is to be developed between Intangible Cultural Heritage and IP in a sustainable development and indigenous people-oriented perspective? Speakers from various continents, with a variety of opinions will provide a worldwide picture of the future of Intangible Cultural Heritage and IP in a profoundly transformed world.


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