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Evento organizado por la IAPP, asociación de profesionales de la privacidad con más miembros en todo el mundo. La sesión tratará de los aspectos que en materia de privacidad deben tener en cuenta las startups de base tecnológica. Evento en ingés, sin traducción simultánea.

Tech Startups and SME’s play a crucial role in our economies and the theme of privacy and data protection, especially here in Spain, can be both overwhelming in detail, and sometimes can appear quite impractical. As a result, most startups and many small businesses do little with data protection, or treat it as a legal checkbox exercise (copy a privacy statement for the bottom of the web page, and get a template ‘security document’) but do not really get any business advantage from implementing practical business processes and technical mechanisms to really strengthen the security, personal data protection respect, and IT operational reliability. With this event, we will give some practical steps, at the level of business and IT technology, which will really benefit Tech Startups and SME’s, and have the pleasant side-effect of strengthening or at least easing your process of data protection and privacy compliance.


- Marc Gallardo, CIPP/E, CIPP/US, lawyer, Lexing

- Jay Libove, CIPP/IT, certified security consultant

- Victor Roselló CIPP/E, lawyer, Esfera Legal

- Sonia Samper, Privalia.

Horario: 12:00 horas.

Precio: gratuito.


International Association of Privacy Professionals

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