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C/Zurbano nº 73. Sede de la Universidad de Navarra en Madrid.
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Generation 3.0: The future is here

After years of economic turmoil – where we have seen both a changing approach by clients plus the needs of a new and very different generation of young lawyers – it is clear that change is now a reality. But nobody knows yet what precisely that change means – “what is the law firm of the future?”

As part of its 10th Anniversary, Iberian Lawyer has completed the first in-depth study of the hopes and aspirations of Generation 3.0 – the young lawyers within Spanish law firms.

Throughout July 2015, over 130 associates from eleven law firms participated in a series of innovation workshops in Madrid. We asked them about their motivation, and their hopes and fears for the future including, of course, whether they will remain as lawyers?

For the first time, their video commentary provides a window on “the law firm of the future” from the perspective of those who will actually be building it. The preliminary outputs will be shared with the research participants and a select audience of experts at an exclusive screening in Madrid.



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